About Me

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Western North Carolina, United States
I am a 62 year old wife and mother of two grown sons, happily living with my darling husband, two dogs and a cat in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. I have moved a lot in my life and, in the process, had more than a few professional incarnations. I have been a midwife with a home-birth practice, waitress, classroom teacher, computer programmer, secretary, bookkeeper, and even a car sales person. I have always loved sewing and managed to use my skills in that area to put a little money in my pocket since I was seven and started making doll clothes for friends in the neighborhood. A little over eleven years ago, a friend drug me to my first bear show to get my mind off a health crisis in the life of my younger son, Seth. I made Mickey with his lady bug, took him to a show and the rest, as they say, is history. Now I am hooked on bears and happily designing and making the furry critters as fast as my little fingers can stitch them up.

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18 September 2009

Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Ten Days of Awe

Tonight at sundown, Erev Rosh Hashanah, the Ten Days of Awe begin.  Along with the rest of the world's Jews, I will have until close of the the day on Yom Kippur to consider my faults and failings; confess my sins to G-d; humbly ask for forgiveness from those I have wronged and offer that same forgiveness to those by whom I have been wronged.  It is an awesome and very serious time indeed, these ten days. 

If you are Jewish, I wish you a Happy New Year, Le Shannah Tova.  If you are not Jewish, I beg your indulgence while I disappear from view for the next ten days and contemplate my soul, my sins, and the obligations of my faith.

Shelley, the NCTeddyBearLady

13 September 2009

Up Coming Holiday Season

Here in the mountains, our nights have turned cool and our days, while still warm, no longer have a summery feel to them. Fall is just around the corner. Before we know it, Thanksgiving will come quickly followed by the holiday observances of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. As a maker of handmade goods, I have been preparing for the shopping frenzy that usually accompanies these holiday observances. I am busily cranking out new jewelry designs and am working on a couple of bead knitted pouches in interesting color combinations.

It would be interesting to hear what all of you are doing to prepare for the upcoming holidays. Are you traveling to shows? If so where? Are you doing anything different this year than last? Are your sales up or down? Do you think the economy has recovered enough that you feel confident of the upcoming shopping season? Comments from one and all will be welcome.
Shelley, the NCTeddyBearLady