I have several friends, a niece and a son who have lost their jobs in the current economic downturn. We are making room in our home for our son & his wife. Our niece has a place to go until she can find a job and two of our friends have family or friends they can go to until they can find new jobs. Here is the question. What can I do as a member of a community to help my neighbors ride out this storm? I have gotten as far as realizing that if we can all pool our resources, there should be enough to go a round. That is a tall order. In my family, we have a finite list of resources. What can we do when those resources run out. There must be a way to organize things so that all are cared for, but I am not sure where or how to start. Suggestions anyone?
Shelley, the NCTeddyBearLady
Shelley, the NCTeddyBearLady